Thursday, August 1, 2013

Coming Soon: Unpar Choir Fund Raising Concert "Les Chants Polyphoniques"

Fund is always be a problem. Like ABBA said "Money, money, money, always sunny in the rich man's world" (just kidding). Unpar Choir will compete in 61st Concorso Polifonico Internazionale "Guido d'Arezzo". In order to accomplish the fund, they'll held a fund raising concert. It's not like the pre-competition concert. They will be sing in chamber formation. Below 20, I think.

This fund raising concert will give you an image for the  pre-competition concert. For those who like France, french, anything about it, I suggest you to fill your sunday night with the warmth of Unpar Choir.

Due date and place for the concert.
Les Chanys Polyphoniques Poster

Parahyangan Catholic University Choir & Institut Français d'Indonésie

Les Chants Polyphoniques
 A Fund Raising Concert
performing Works by French Composers from Renaissance to Modern Age

Sunday, 18th August 2013
7.30 PM
at Auditorium IFI
Jl. Purnawarman No. 32

Ticket: IDR 25000/flat

For further information, please kindly contact
Bonny 087871775256

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Coming Soon: Pre-Competition Concert Unpar Choir "Polifonia"

Make Indonesia proud, Unpar Choir!!

Unpar Choir goes to Florilege Vocal de Tours "Our Spirit Soars!" (2011)
photographed by benvaldi

In 2011, Unpar Choir competed in one of the Euroepean Choral Grand Prix series, Florilege Vocal de Tours. As the result, Unpar Choir got 3rd place in Free Expression Category and Best Song for "Apres Un Rêve" by Ivan Yohan.

Now, they will proof their competence in choral singing through another series of European Choral Grand Prix. It is The 61st Concorso Polifonico Internazionale "Guido d'Arezzo" 2013. They will compete in 3 categories; Sezione 2 (Cori a voci miste / Mixed Choirs), Sezione 4 (Cori a voci pari, maschili e femminili / Equal voices choirs,male and female), Sez. 6 (Rassegna per periodi storici / Festival Competition by Historical Period). Concorso Polifonico "Guido d'Arezzo" is an A-level competition which means the participants are the eligible candidates from a tight qualification (prestige and recordings). Want to know the quality of Unpar Choir for this competition?  Let's come to this Pre-Competition Concert and feel the greatness of Unpar Choir.

Due date and place for the concert.

"Polifonia" Poster

Parahyangan Catholic University Unpar Choir

Ivan Yohan, Conductor

"POLIFONIA" a Pre-Competition Concert
Road to 61 Concorso Polifonico Internazionale "Guido d'Arezzo"

Friday, Aug 16th, 2013
07.30-09.30 PM
Balai Resital Kertanegara
Kertanegara 28, Jakarta Selatan

Early Bird Ticket (until Aug 4th, 2013)
VVIP: 170k | VIP: 125k | Reguler: 60k
Normal Price:
VVIP: 200k | VIP: 150k | Reguler: 75k

Friday, Aug 23rd, 2013
07.30-09.30 PM
GSG Unpar
Ciumbuleuit 94, Bandung

Early Bird Ticket (until Aug 4th, 2013)
VIP: 100k | Reguler: 60k | Student: 35k
Normal Price:
VIP: 125k | Reguler: 75k | Student: 50

For more information, please kindly contact:
Kristian 081321121217

Friday, July 26, 2013

Svaditra Pre-Tour Concert "Makulay Na Himig": Colorful Tones for Phillipines Tour

Bandung, 20th July 2013. Now, it's Phillipines' turn.

Bertempat di Gereja Hati Tak Bernoda Santa Perawan Maria, terdengar sebuah paduan suara kamar bernyanyi untuk menghibur hati warga Bandung pada pukul 19.30 WIB. Mereka adalah Svaditra Bandung Chamber Choir.

Svaditra Cultural Tour 2013 Team and condustor Indra Listiyanto
Tema yang diusung Svaditra Bandung Chamber Choir untuk konser Pre-Tour ini adalah "Makulay Na Himig" yang berarti "Colorful Tunes". Tema ini sengaja diambil dari Bahasa Tagalog sebagai pensuasanaan tour mereka ke Filipina. Tema ini juga menggambarkan lagu-lagu yang dibawakan pada malam itu. Tidak hanya klasik, mereka juga membawakan lagu-lagu kontemporer bahkan lagu-lagu rakyat Indonesia.

Tour Sva (begitu mereka kerap disapa) kali ini diberi tema "Mabuhay Ang Phillipines". Dari namanya saja sudah pasti tema ini memakai Bahasa Tagalog. "Welcome Phillipines" atau "Long Live Phillipines" adalah arti dari tema tersebut. Sva Cultural Tour kali ini difokuskan untuk menyambut rangkaian acara ulang tahun ke-50 dari The Phillipines Madrigal Singers "MADZ". Tiga buah konser akan dilaksanakan di Filipina dalam rangkaian acara tur kebudayaan tersebut.

Andrea O. Veneracion
Pencapaian Sva yang luar biasa dalam tur ini adalah Sva menjadi special guest dalam konser penutup kompetisi paduan suara Internasional "Andrea O. Veneracion International Choral  Festival 2013", kompetisi yang diselenggarakan sebagai penghormatan kepada Prof. Andrea O. Veneracion, founder of Phillipines Madrigal Singers. Dua konser berikutnya yaitu konser yang diselenggarakan oleh CCP (Cultural Centre of Phillipines) dan dilanjutkan oleh The Phillipines Madrigal Singers.

For Andrea O. Veneracion Biography you may click here.

Here is the programme for the Pre-Tour Concert.
Session 1
Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)

Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)

Daud Kosasih (2003)

Ola Gjeilo (2007)

Christian Isaac Tamaela

Eric Whitacre

Z. Randall Stroope

Session 2
Indra Listiyanto (2005)

composed by Willy Cruz; arranged by Robert Delgado

Rudolfo Delarmente

Traditional Minahasa; arranged by Joshibiah "Butch" de Juan

Traditional Madura; arranged by Budi Susanto Yohanes

Javaneses Folksong; composed by Ki Nartosabdo; arranged by Indra Listiyanto

choral arrangement by Ken Steven for "SVADITRA" Bandung Chamber Choir;
based on Andi Rianto's arrangement for The Brothers;
composed by Dadan Indriana, Charley van Houten, H. Imron & Arek Band

Konser Pre-Tour ini dibuka dengan PS Gitapalma dengan dirigen Jessica Amanda & Delta Damiana. Mereka berdua juga merupakan penyanyi dalam Svaditra Choir. PS ini membawakan 2 buah lagu yaitu "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" dan "Kubawa ke Hadirat-Mu". Sayang sekali saya tidak bisa menikmati paduan suara ini bernyanyi karena saya datang terlambat.

Svaditra menyusul masuk setelalh PS Gitapalma turun dari panggung. Dengan gaun yang serba merah pada wanita dan jas pada pria, kostum Sva tampak sangat menawan. Konser malam itu dibuka dengan lagu "O Magnum Mysterium" yang menggunakan formasi berkeliling. Sungguh pembukaan yang luar biasa untuk sesi pertama pada malam tersebut. Suasana Renaisans tergambar dengan cukup baik melalui lagu tersebut.

1st Session Costume

Sesi pertama pada konser malam itu terdiri dari lagu-lagu Sakra dari berbagai zaman mulai dari Renaisans, Romantik hingga ke zaman kontemporer saat. Tidak hanya komposisi dari luar negeri tetapi juga Sva menyanyikan lagu dari komposer dalam negeri yaitu "Haleluya! Puji Tuhan (Mzm 117)" oleh Daud Kosasih dan "Toki Gong Sambil Menari Haleluya" oleh Christian Tamaela.

Pada sesi 1 ini, Sva juga menampilkan lagu dari komposer favorit saya yaitu Eric Whitacre dengan lagu "Alleluia". Gaya Eric Whitacre dalam sebuah lagu sepertinya dapat ditangkap oleh Sva dalam lagu tersebut. Penutup yang luar biasa dari sesi 1 pun disajikan dengan baik oleh Sva dengan lagu "The Conversion of Saul". Tempo cepat dan nuansa mencekam dari lagu ini memberikan animo bagi penonton untuk melanjutkan ke sesi berikutnya.

2nd Session Costume
Sesi 2 merupakan sesi lagu-lagu dengan format yang lebih santai dan dominan diisi dengan lagu-lagu rakyat Indonesia. Kostum yang digunakan juga diubah menjadi format yang lebih enak dengan pakaian hitam dan pernak-pernik etnik. Sesi ini dibuka dengan lagu "Bless The Lord, O My Soul", sebuah komposisi dari conductor Sva sendiri, Indra Listiyanto, dengan format double choir.

Lagu dari Filipna juga dibawakan pada sesi ini sebanyak 2 buah. Lagu yang paling berkesan adalah "Dumbele" yang merupakan lagu untuk pemanggilan hujan. Pada saat konser sih memang tidak terjadi hujan tetapi sekitar jam 23.00 hujan rintik-rintik terjadi. Sepertinya mereka berhasil membawakan lagu ini.

3 buah lagu folklore Indonesia mengisi sesi 2 setelah lagu dari Filipina. Lagu "Gambang Suling" dibawakan dengan cukup baik. Konsep lagu folklore sendiri adalah oleh suara dan olah gerak. Oleh karena itu, Sva menyusu koreografi untuk lagu "Keraben Sape" dan "Gambang Suling". Koreografi pada "Gambang Suling cukup kompleks tetapi Sva dapat  bernyanyi dengan rapi tanpa terganggu dengan koreografi tersebut.

Konser Pre-Tour ini ditutup dengan lagu "Indonesiana No.1" yang merupakan lagu medley dari bebrapa lagu Indonesia dengan nuansa komedi. Disini mereka juga berkoreografi dan tidak lupa menari dangdut karena salah satu di dalam lagu "Indonesiana no.1" adalah lagu "Iwak Peyek".

With 2 beautiful Sopranos (after concert)
Seperti biasa, penampilan yang cukup menggugah hati penonton memaksa para penonton  meminta lebih untuk encore. Dengan sangat antusias, conductor Indra Listiyanto memberikan 3 buah lagu encore, yaitu "Dahil Sai Yo", "Rosas Pandan", dan "Indonesiana No.1". Seperti layknya kebanyakan encore, mereka bernyanyi dengan lepas tanpa tekanan sehingga nuansa yang keluar pun menjadi lebih ceria.

Semoga dengan adanya Cultural Tour ini, Svaditra Choir dapat mengharumkan nama Indonesia di Filipina nantinya. Tetap jaya Svaditra Bandung Chamber Choir.!! Ditunggu program-program menarik berikutnya.

“If you've got nothing to dance about, find a reason to sing.” 
-Melody Carstairs-

Friday, July 12, 2013

Coming Soon: Pre-Tour Concert Svaditra Choir 2013

A new step for Svaditra Choir on their existence in choral music.

Svaditra Choir Concert "A New Beginning"

Kira-kira begitulah hal yang saya rasakan ketika mendengar Svaditra Choir yang akan pergi ke Filipina dalam rangka "Svaditra Cultural Tour 2013" pada tanggal 9-17 Agustus 2013. Setelah sukses dengan konser A New Beginning yang dilaksanakan di Bandung dan Jakarta, Svaditra Choir memutuskan untuk melebarkan sayapnya ke luar negeri dengan mengadakan program Tour Concert ini.

Konsep Tour Concert ini sebenarnya juga merupakan konsep baru dari sebuah paduan suara dalam pergi ke luar negeri. Biasanya paduan suara yang pergi ke luar negeri akan mengikuti sebuah kompetisi disana sambil melaksanakan konser kebudayaan. Svaditra sendiri memilih untuk memfokuskan diri dalam konser kebudaayaan. Tidak hanya itu, puncaknya adalah Svaditra Choir nantinya akan berkolaborasi dengan salah satu paduan suara terbaik dunia, the winner of European Choral Grand Prix, Phillipine Madrigal Singers (MADZ) pada sebuah konser di Filipina. Sungguh menarik bukan?!

Due date and place for concert.
Pre-Tour Concert 2013 "Makulay Na Himig" Poster

Pre-Tour Concert 2013
"Makulay Na Himig"

As a preparation for
"Mabuhay Ang Pilipinas!"
(Phillipines, 9-17 Agustus 2013)

Conductor: Indra Listiyanto

Saturday, 20th July 2013
Gereja Hati Tak Bernoda Santa Perawan Maria
Jl. Suryalaya No. 3, Buah Batu
19.30 WIB

For further information, please kindly contact
Viny 081931385497
Indri 08562225825

or you can 
Follow their Twitter: @svaditra
Like their Facebook Page: Svaditra Choir

Still doubt to watch Svaditra Choir? Maybe this clip will help you to decide.

Svaditra's Youtube Channel: Svaditra Choir

Happy Watching!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Coming Soon: Pre-Competition Unpad Choir "Enchanment of Indonesia"

Another choir goes abroad to represent Indonesia.

Unpad Choir
Paduan suara Indonesia (khususnya Bandung) yang sebentar lagi akan berangkat membesarkan nama Indonesia di luar negeri sana adalah Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Padjajaran (PSM-Unpad). Paduan suara yang dipimpin oleh Conductor Arvin Zaenullah ini akan berangkat pada Juli untuk mengikuti 59th International Choir Festival of Habaneras and Polyphony of Torrevieja di Spanyol. Selain itu, mereka jng baik uga akan mengikuti International Choir Festival XXI Choralies di Prancis dan menggelar sebuah konser kebudayaan yaitu Cultural Concert in Principality of Andora di Italia.

Walaupun kelihatan menyenangkan karena choristers dapat berkelana ke 3 negara, kenyataan yang dihadapi tidak demikian. Mereka harus berlatih keras untuk menunjukkan citra Indonesia yang baik dengan memenangkan segala kompetisi yang diikuti dan memberikan performa terbaik dalam setiap konser kebudayaan yang mereka gelar disana. Let's hope for the best for Unpad Choir!

Date and Place for the Pre-Competition Concert.
A Pre- Competition concert
"Enchantment of Indonesia"
Road to

59th International Contest of Habanera and Polyphony,
International Choir Festival XXI Choralies, France
July 2nd, Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Jl.
Dipatiukur no. 35. Open Gate: 19.00
Ticket: Student 35k, Reg. 50k, VIP 80k

July 5th, Balairung Soesilo Soedarman, Gd.
Sapta Pesona, Kementrian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi
Kreatif. Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat, No. 17. Jakarta
Ticket: Reg. 50k, VIP 100k

Don't forget to contact this lovely person for further informartion.
Annisa Rosalina 085749217781

Pada tahu 2012, PSM-Unpad telah mengharumkan Indonesia dengan memborong 5 buah penghargaan di 48th Montreux Choral Festival di Swiss. Ingin tahu lebih lanjut? Silakan klik link di bawah ini.

A little footage from 48th Montreux Choral Festival.

Want to see more videos of Unpad Choir? Visit and subscribe on YouTube: theUNPADCHOIR

Semoga PSM-Unpad dapat mengharumkan lagi nama Indonesia pada tahun 2013 ini.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saint Angela Choir Pre-Competition Concert "Flying with The Voice to Florence": Biarkan Melodi Terbang Membawa Anganmu ke Florence

"Thank GOD it's Friday!"

Maybe that's one of many humans' thought when the day said "Friday". I think so too. I'm really grateful that I could watch the infamous junior high school from Bandung, Saint Angela Choir. They held a Pre-Competition Concert on Friday, 21st June 2013 in Saint Angela Third Floor Hall. The hall is located at their school, Sekolah Santa Angela (Jl. Merdeka no. 24, Bandung). I almost got lost because the school was too dark. Thank God I could make the way.

The aim for this pre-competition concert is the preparation for the team member to compete in the competition and the existence of Saint Angela Choir. It also told the people nearby so they can give support (material or moral) to Saint Angela Choir. It was a crowded situation. Many people came to the concert.

The Stage and The Crowdness

They also have a unique deign on the ticket too. Maybe the shape it's not too unique but I like the idea though :) So, do you have a 'boarding pass' to the concert?
The Boarding Pass (Ticket)
And this is the programs for the concert.
Session 1
Conductor: Adi Nugroho Soediono
Pianist: Anselmus Angga Purusatama Halim
   1. A Clare Benediction, composed by John Rutter
   2. Canon Gloria, composed by Michael Haydn; arranged by Donald Moore
   3. Sukacita, composed by A. T. Mahmud; arranged by Antonius Dody Soetanto
   4. Aku Anak Indonesia, composed by A. T. Mahmud; arranged by Widya Kristianti
Conductor: Roni Sugiarto
Pianist: Gregorius Aldrin Chandra
   1. Ave Maria, composed by Giulio Caccini
   2. Laudi Alla Vergine Maria, composed by Giuseppe Verdi
   3. Sanctus, composed by Swingly W. Sondakh and Roni Sugiarto
   4. Kotoba-asobi Uta (Word Game Song), composed by Ko Matsushita
   5. The Lord Bless You and Keep You, composed by Alejandro D. Consolacion II

Session 2
Conductor: Roni Sugiarto
Pianist: Gregorius Aldrin Chandra
   1. Sound The Trumpet, composed by Henry Purcell
   2. Burung Kakak Tua, Maluku Folksong; arranged by Lim Fu Yu
   3. O Ina Ni Keke, Minahasa Folksong; arranged by Joshibiah "Butch" de Juan
   4. Funiculi Funicula, Neapolitan Song, composed by Luigi Denza
   5. Yamko Rambe Yamko, Papua Folksong; arranged by Agustinus Bambang Jusana
   6. Tari Sanghyang Dedari, Bali Folksong; arranged by Agustinus Bambang Jusana
   7. Lelo Ledung, Indonesian Lullaby; arranged by Aurelio Porfiri
   8. Sik Sik Sibatumanikam, Tapanuli Folksong; arranged by E. L. Pohan

After their winning in IICC (ITB International Choir Competition) 2010 in Children Category and Youth Choir of Equal Voices Category, they have expanded their wings to Japan with the invitation from Taeko and Haruko Kuwabara (Odawara Children's Choir) as a guest in Kodomo Chorus Festival. It really proofs the quality of Saint Angela Choir is beyond average :)

In 2013, they decided to expand their wings to Europe. They will go to Florence on July 2013. They will compete in two categories; Youth Equal Voices Category and Folklore Category. The songs that they will sing in that competition is marked by Bold (see the programs list).

This pre-competition concert also perform the Saint Angela Elementary School Children Choir. This choir consists of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade children in Elementary School. They were really cute that night. Moreover, the member of this choir will continue their singing career in Saint Angela Choir. This is like a preparatory step in Saint Angela Choir. Saint Angela Children Choir was performing also in this concert.

Paduan Suara Anak SD St. Angela

Saint Angela Choir (First Session)
In first session, Saint Angela Choir performed the songs that explores their choral sound. I'm really amazed with how they sang. They sang beautifully and lightly. It's like an angelic choral sounds filling the hall. They have a good material sound especially in Sanctus. Feels like heaven, I think! Owh, I almost forgot the Kotoba-asobi Uta (Word Game Song) by Ko Matsushita. This song was really hard but they could perform well. My heart was racing because of this song. Good job Saint Angela Choir!

Saint Angela Choir (Second Session)
Second Session shows a more relaxing circumstance because they performed folksong (Indonesian Folksong domination). They've changed their costume to ethnic costume. Not only sang, but also they danced in some songs like Yamko Rambe Yamko, Tari Sanghyang Dedari, and Sik Sik Sibatumanikam. Like the first session, they sang and performed greatly. I was really satisfied with their performance. They gave an encore for the audiences because they saw a great enthusiastic with the concert. They sang "I Got Rhythm" by Michael Neaum. They really succeed to 'fly' my soul away. Thank you so much St. Angela Choir!

I think they will win at the competition. I just hope and pray for the best for them. So, don't forget to support them with all you can. If you can't support for material, the least you can do is praying for them. It's so much help. By the way, Saint Angela Choir is the only one representative from South East Asia.

Here is a little sneak peek from the concert for your consideration.

"If I cannot fly, let me sing."
 -Stephen Sondheim-

Friday, June 14, 2013

Orchestre des Champs-Élysée (Printemps Français 2013): A Heart-warming Evening in Bandung

It was raining all day long but it paid by this enchanted evening by Orchestre des Champs-Élysée.

Just for your information, Bandung is struck by r ain almost everyday in this June. I really don't know why this happened but I kinda hate it. On, 13th June 2013, the rain poured down a bit heavy though. It almost ruined my plan to watch this spectacular orchestra, Orchestre des Champs-Élysée. They came all along to Bandung for the Printemps Français 2013 held by IFI. So, thank you IFI for kindness to bring one of the well -known orchestra not only in France but also in the world. LOL.

Glance of Orchestre des Champs-Élysée.
The Orchestre des Champs-Elysées is devoted to the performance of music written from the mid XVIII to the early XX centuries (Haydn-Mahler) played on the instruments that existed during the composer's lifetime.
The orchestra was formed in 1991 as an iniative together from Alain Durel, Director of Théâtre des Champs-Élysée and Philippe Herreweghe. For several years, the Orchestra has been in residence at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris and the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, performed in almost all the major concert halls such as the Musikverein (Vienna), the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), the Barbican Centre (London), Alter Oper (Frankfurt), the Philharmonic Halls in Berlin and Munich, the Gewandhaus (Leipzig), the Lincoln Center (New York), Parco della Musica (Rome) and the Auditoriums of Dijon and Lucerne. The orchestra also toured Japan, Corea, China and Australia and South America.
Philippe Herreweghe is the artistic director and principal conductor, but the orchestra played under several guest conductors, among them Daniel Harding, Christian Zacharias, Louis Langrée, Christophe Coin, and René Jacobs.
The Orchestre des Champs-Elysées feels passionately about offering an innovative approach to music and therefore, at each one of its concerts it offers the possibility of public rehearsals, conferences, or meetings and workshops with classes of school children.
They will be in Asia turn from May 31 ! Program for the famous Mozart Requiem and symphonies 38,40 and 41.

The Stage

I came to the Concert Hall, Auditorium RRI Bandung, about 19.15 and it's really crowded. I don't know what to say whereas the rain was pouring down. Waiting about 15 to 20 minutes, the committee opened the gate and without further notice, all of the people went it right away. I and Celine, my Cello, jumped in to the queue line and hoped for a good place. I sat on the right side of the stage.

This concert was a live show from RRI Radio. I really don't know the RRI channel. Therefore, I felt really lucky buying the ticket.

The Programs for the lovely night.
H. J. Rigel (Allemagne, 1741-1799)
Symphonie no 10 en ré m op. 21 no 2

W. A. Mozart (Allemagne, 1756-1791)
Concerto pour clarinette en la M K. 622

W. A. Mozart
Symphonie no 40 en sol m K. 550

The concert was opened by the repertoire from Rigel, a composer from Classical Era. The movements were so dynamics and thrilling. In addition, the instruments were authentically came from the Classical Era. It added more quality in their performance especially in the sound. Not being conduct by a conductor from the front but the concertmaster, Alessandro Moccia, didn't make their performances messy. It was necessary to play without the conductor in the front. The conductor played within the orchestra in that era. He was standing for the whole repertoire and playing with the 1st violin. Alessandro Moccia gave his best movement to lead and gave signals to the players.

The Concertmaster, Alessandro Moccia

The second repertoar they played that night is from the infamous Mozart. It was a concerto for clarinet. The clarinetist was Nicola Boud, an female Australian-born clarinetist. With his light brown satin gown, she looks gorgeous. She was in full concentration and a little bit nervous, I think, but she could overcome with it. All of his nervousness were paid by the standing ovation after the opus has been played. All of the audiences were so amazed. She used a clarinet from the Classical Era, so the shape is not exactly looks like nowadays.

Nicola Boud, the clarinetist

The last repertoire played in the concert was the symphony no 40 in G minor by Mozart. It was a famous composition from Mozart especially the 1st movement. In this repertoire, you could fell a joy air blowing from the orchestra. Really a perfect closing for the audiences. Made your heart full of joy and a warm lullaby for your sleep even if it was raining.

The standing ovation was not stopped. The audiences asked for more. The concertmaster was really confused to give an encore or not. But he couldn't resist the ambience. They played an encore to fulfill all the audiences' excitement. The confusion from Alessandro was about the Contrabass because the Contrabasses had to be in Jakarta by 01.00 AM. So, they played the encore without the Contrabasses. They closed the concert really well. It was their first performance in Indonesia but they really kicked it especially in Bandung. Salute to Orchestre des Champs-Élysée. Please come again to warm our heart again.

 After Indonesia, they will go Vietnam afterwards for this Mozart Tour.

Closing Act

P.S. Printemps Français 2013 didn't stop here. There will be a closing in Paris Van Java IFI Bandung (Jl. Purnawarman no.32) on 21st June 2013. They called it "La fête de la Musique". The artist will be Naive New Beaters. Want to see their performances? Just come to PVJ IFI Bandung and enjoy it. It's F-R-E-E!!

"You can't play a symphony alone, it takes an orchestra to play it."
-Navjot Singh Sidhu-

Friday, June 7, 2013

PSM-ITB in Concert 2013 "'Atras Agora": Melodi dari Masa ke Masa

First internal concert with the brand new conductor, Adi "Didut" Nugroho.

Setelah sukses dengan konser Dies Emas PSM-ITB pada tahun 2013, PSM-ITB kembali hadir dengan konser internal mereka yang diberi tema "'Atras Agora". Konser ini merupakan kali pertama conductor Adi Nugroho menggarap seluruh kesatuan konser. Sebelumnya, karyanya sudah kelihatan pada konser Dies Emas PSM-ITB dalam menggarap paduan suara ini. Tetapi dia tidak seluruhnya memimpim konser tersebut karena konser tersebut menampilkan seluruh conductor PSM-ITB dari masa ke masa. Didut hanya memegang bagian untuk menggarap bagian mahasiswa.

'Atras Agora's Stage and Choristers (courtesy PSM-ITB)

Konser "'Atras Agora" yang dilaksanakan pada hari Minggu, 26 Mei 2013 ini menampilkan berbagai lagu mulai dari zaman Renaissance hingga Contemporary Song, Classical Music hingga Modern Music (Jazz and Musical). Seperti biasanya, konser PSM-ITB ini diadakan di Aula Barat ITB. Menurut saya, konser ini memberi warna baru karena beberapa tahun terakhir ini, PSM-ITB lebih berfokus kepada pengembangan lagu-lagu klasik. Selain itu, layaknya konser internal, konser ini dikhususkan kepada pengembangan kepaduansuaraan dari anggotanya. Oleh karena itu, konser ini didominasi oleh anggota-anggota baru yang masuk PSM-ITB, angkatan 2011 dan  2012. Ini adalah sarana yang baik untuk memulai belajar musik di suatu paduan suara. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mengikuti konser terutama konser internal di paduan suaramu.

Programme's Book

Programmes for "'Atras Agora".
Session 1
Madrigal and Romantic
Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints, Composer: Thomas Weelkes
Sweet Suffolk Owl, Composer: Thomas Vautor
Lob des Frühlings, Arranger: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Words: Johann Ludwig Uhland
Vineta, Arranger: Johannes Brahms, Words: Wilhelm Müller
Les Djinns, Arranger: Gabriel Faure, Words: Victor Hugo
Popular Traditional
I Bought Me a Cat (American Children's Song), Arranger: Irving Fine (Adapted by Aaron Copland)
Balia di Sehú (Traditional Aruba), Arranger: Rufo Odor
Jamaican Market Place, Words and Music: Larry Farrow
J'entends le Moulin (Popular Traditional Song of Canada), Arranger: Donald Patriquin

Session 2
Musical Broadway and Disney Soundtrack
I See the Light (From Walt Disney Picture "TANGLED"), Arranger: Mac Huff
Tomorrow (From Broadway Musical "ANNIE"), Arranger: Ed Lojeski
I Could Have Danced All Night (From Broadway Musical "MY FAIR LADY"), Arranger: Eddy Rhein
You'll be in My Heart (From Walt Disney Picture "TARZAN"), Arranger: Ed Lojeski
I've Got You Under My Skin, Arranger: Michael Porter and Mattson
What a Wonderful World, Arranger: Russ Robinson
Fly Me to The Moon, Arranger: Gwyn Arch
Birdland, Arranger: Jerry Nowak, Popularized: Manhattan Transfer
In The Mood, Arranger: Peter Gritton

The Conductor, Adi Nugroho

Tidak seperti kebanyakan konser paduan suara di Bandung, konser PSM-ITB dibuka dengan berbagai kata sambutan dati Ketua PSM-ITB, Farish Al'audin dan Ketua Konser "'Atras Agora", Kevin M. Limanta. Acara dilanjutkan dengan masuknya penyanyi ke atas panggung dan seperti biasa, keluarlah conductor Adi Nugroho setelah pemanggilan oleh MC. Lagu pertama yang dinyanyikan pada sesi pertama adalah sebuah lagu Renaissans yang berjudul Hark, All ye Lovely Saints yang bermakna orang-orang yang menderita karena cinta tetapi menikmati setiap momen dalam cinta.

Animo penyanyi ternyata semakin bertambah. Sepertinya mereka menunggu untuk menyanyikan lagu Les Djinns dengan iringan Daniel Alexander, pianis muda berbakat dari PSM Unpar. Sungguh penutup yang luar biasa dari sesi Madrigal dan Romantic.

Tidak hanya berhenti sampai disitu, sesi 1 juga menampilkan lagu-lagu Popular Traditional dari berbagai negara. Lagu-lagu dengan style yang lebih ringan membuat penyanyi mulai menggoyangkan badannya. Apalagi sebagai penutup pada sesi 1, PSM-ITB membawakan lagu J'entends le Moulin yang mengharuskan mereka menghapal partitur karena lagu ini mengharuskan mereka membuat suara melalui olah tubuh mereka seperti bertepuk tangan, menjentikkan jari, dll. Lagu ini menceritakan tentan para pekerja yang akan melaksanakan kegiatannya sambil mendengar suara dari kincir angin di sekitar mereka. Kepuasan yang luar biasa disampaikan melalui tepuk tangan yang begitu meriah dari penonton.

Antuasiasme penonton yang begitu besar terbayar ketika sesi 2 dibuka dengan lagu-lagu Musical Broadway and Disney Soundtrack. Para penyanyi bernyanyi dengan semangat untuk sesi 2 ini karena sepertinya mereka sudah mulai menikmati lagu-lagunya. Apalagi pada saat lagu-lagu Jazz dinyanyikan, tidak sedikit dari penyanyi yang mulai menunjukkan gelagat ingin bergoyang. Lagu In The Mood dari Peter Gritton menutup sesi 2. Tepuk tangan yang tidak henti-hentinya dari penonton membuat conductor Adi Nugroho kembali ke atas panggung dan membawakan 2 buah lagu lagi, yaitu Trashin' The Camp (OST Tarzan) dan lag Fly Me to The Moon kembali.

Segala kerja keras dan latihan dari seluruh pendukung acara pada malam itu terbayar dengan tiket yang terjual habis dan senyuman dari para penikmat malam itu. Saya sendiri (sebagai MC < penting haha) merasa puas dengan konser PSM-ITB malam itu. Akhirnya konser ditutup dengan pemberian bungan dan seperti biasa, menyanyikan lagu Mars ITB.

The last one but least, Photo Session!
Alumni and Chosristers of PSM-ITB (photo session)

And here is a video from the photographer.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bruno Procopio and Batavia Madrigal Singers (Printemps Français 2013): A Magnificent Duet of Two Countries!

They come to lighten up Bandung.

That's the first thing that came across my mind after I saw Batavia Madrigal Singers in Printemps Français 2013's booklet. BMS will collaborate with French composer, Bruno Procopio. I think, it will give a new experience for BMS to explore their capability and challenge themselves with other conductor, Bruno Procopio.

The concert took place at Gereja Katedral Santo Petrus, Bandung on Sunday, 2nd June 2013. It was a crowded situation because you can see choristers from all over the choirs in Bandung came. I really thank you for IFI because the concert it's free. :)

Batavia Madrigal Singers.
BMS at Arezzo 2010
Batavia Madrigal Singers (BMS) is one of the leading vocal ensembles in Indonesia. BMS was founded in 1996, and from the very beginning, Avip Priatna has been the conductor and music director. With Avip Priatna, BMS has kept a wide range of choral music: from Renaissance to modern, traditional to contemporary, sacred to profane.
BMS has performed periodical concerts and participated in many national and international prominent events where BMS experience in performing various compositions has been proved.
On 2012, BMS became the Grand Priza Winner in International May Choir Competition (Prof. G. Dimitrov) - Varna, Varna Province, Bulgaria. Because of the winning, they became the representative of Bulgaria in European Choral Grand Prix (EGP) in Arezzo on 2013.

Bruno Procopio.
Bruno Procopio (born in 1976)
A Brazillian born and a graduate of the Conservatoire de Paris, is a rising young talent, both on the harpsichord and as a conductor. His work focuses on Brazillian composers of the colonial period and Europeans who found the limelight outside fo the 'Old Continent'. For Printemps Français, he will direct Batavia Madrigal Singers through an eclectic programme bringing together both the sacred and the profane with works from France, Portugal, and poplar music from his native Brazil.

As usual like any other concerts, a MC opened the concert and explained the concert that night especially the song. Here is the song list.

The Program.
Marcos Portugal (Portugal: 1762-1830): Missa Grande
Jewel of the Brazillian Sacred Music. He actualized all the tenderness and aspect of great composers such as Mozart and Rossini.

Clement Janequin (France: 1485-1558): A ce mois de mai. L' Alouette. La Guerre (Bataille de Marignan)
Polyphonic Profane Songs with humors and poems. Acapella

Anonymous: Muié Rendéra
Popular music from North Eastern Brazil. Acapella

Mamão (Brazil: 1938 - ): Tristeza Pé no Chão
Brazillian Popular Music. Acapella

Heitor Villa Lobos (Brazil: 1887-1959): Rosa Amarela
Brazillian Traditional Music. Acapella

The opening song for the concert was Missa Grande. It contains 18 songs. It is a long works to hear especially if you are not used to hear choir singing or choral sound. Actually, I really don't know when it will finish. You have to be sufficient knowledge in Musica Sacra. I just know about Missa Brevis though. In this works, Bruno didn't conduct directly to BMS. He played the Organ. He just gave signal to BMS from where he sat. It really showed that you have to have a strong bond to your conductor. Yes, of course, BMS could conquer the 1st session magnificently. After that, the audiences had a break for about 10 minutes. It's time to refresh the ears from Missa Grande. LOL

2nd session formation

The interval didn't take too long. They came back again with the standard formation, SATB and conductor, Bruno Procopio, in front of the choristers. In 2nd session, they sang profane songs. For the opening, they sang French Renaissance songs. It was wonderful but I think there was a problem. It was the echo in the church. It really ruined the Renaissance sound. It was noisy. But the recordings didn't sound so badly :)
The next song is the song from Brazil. In this song and afterwards, they really enjoyed themselves singing it. For some choristers, the like swayed their hips a  little bit and made a happy expression. I really enjoyed this session. I really enjoyed the concert. And of course, they got the standing ovation. C'est super magnifique!!

The last but net least, the flowers bouquet giving. Monsieur Louis gave bouquet to the star of the night, Bruno Procopio and Avip Priatna, the true conductor of BMS, gave bouquet to choristers' representative, Pharel Silaban. Waw! Such an honor for Pharel.

with Mas Pepi
What is a concert if you don't have a footage of yourself. So, I got a picture with one of the Bass, Rainier Revireino. LOL

P.S. The series of event  in Printemps Français 2013 in Classical Music did not stop here. You may want to enjoy the concert of Orchestre Des Champs-Elysées on 13th June 2013. Be there and don't be late!

"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
-Ella Fitzgerald-

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tomislav Dimov's Violin Recital: 4 Composers in One Stage

Here comes Dr. Tomislav Dimov!

Don't know where to go on Saturday? How about see a violin recital? That's got into my head when I don't really have place to go because there is no invitation to go around -_-"

Stage for the night

Here I am, watching Dr. Tomislav Dimov's Violin Recital on Saturday, 01st June 2013. It's like a good opening for the brand new month. It takes place in IFI Bandung. It is a good place to hold a recital, I think. It has good acoustics too. Not just by himself, Dr. Tomislav had an instrument accompaniment, which is piano, by Laurensia Yosianti. Dr. Tomislav will play the song from 4 composers. The composers are Händel, Mozart, Beethove, and Debussy. Each composer represent an era of music.

Program's Book
Georg Friedrich Händel represent the Baroque Era. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart represents the Classical Era. Ludwig van Beethoven represent the Classical-Romantic Era (Early Romantic Era). Claude Debussy represent the Impressionist Era. Each era has some characteristics. I like Debussy for that night. Which one is your favorite?

Ok, this is Dr. Tomislav's Program for the Sat Night.
Georg Friedrich Händel
Sonata D Major No. 4
1. Andante
2. Allegro
3. Adagio
4. Allegro

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Sonata A Major, KV. 305
1. Allegro molto
2. Tema Con Variazioni

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata G Major, Op. 30, No. 3
1. Allegro assai
2. Tempo di Minuetto
3. Allegro vivace

Claude Debussy
Sonata in G Major, L. 140
1. Allegro vivo
2. Intermède: Fantastique et léger
3. Finale: Très animé

That night, Dr. Tomislav and Laurensia wore Batik shirt and Kebaya respectively. Their costume was so beautiful.For the first session, they will play Händel and Mozart. It was such a beautiful playing from Dr. Tomislav and Laurensia. They were synchronizing really well. I love the Allegro from Handel and Tema Con Varizioni from Mozart. They closed the first session really well. The audiences clapped so hard. After that, the audiences can take a rest during the interval for about 10 minutes.

The Performance
In 2nd session, they will perform Beethoven and Debussy. Before they began, Dr. Tomislav explained about the song they played. I hardly can hear about his explanation but I do remembered some his explanation about Debussy. In Debussy, we could hear the melody which often been played in Indonesia like pentatonic, etc. In my opinion, maybe Debussy's works has been influenced by the sounds of Gamelan. I think I'll try to dig more about Debussy someday.

Closing Act

The performance was terrific. I think Debussy is really the final closing of their performance. The clap did not stop immediately. The audiences clapped so hard. Of course we want an encore. Hahaha. So, Dr. Tomislav and Laurensia went straight to the stage again and played their instrument again. Actually, I don't know the title of the song but Dr. Tomislav said that it was a contemplation between Debussy and Brahms.

P.S.: Dr. Tomislav will perform in the 1st Parahyangan Classical Music Festival 2013 in Kota Baru Parahyangan. It's free!! You are all invited! You can visit their Facebook Page: Parahyangan Classical Music Festival

"Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on."
-Samuel Butler-

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Coming Soon: Violin Recital by Tomislav Dimov

It's a little too late but it's like reminder to me.

Tomislav Dimov
Dr. Tomislav Dimov adalah pengajar full time  di Universitas Pelita Harapan. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Head of String Department, Violin instructor, Head of Orchestra Department, Artistic Director and Conductor of the UPH Symphony Orchestra. Beliau meraih gelar D.M.A. untuk Violin Performance di West Virginia University, USA dan Gnesin Conservatory of Moscow, Rusia. Beliau nantinya juga akan memimpin orkestra pada Parahyangan Classical Music Festival pada tanggal 8-9 Juni 2013. Profil lengkap dari Dr. Tomislav dapat dilihat di bawah ini.

Dr. Tomislav Dimov's Profile

Laurensia Yosianti
Laurensia Yosianti adalah seorang lulusan sarjana dari Konservatori Musik Universitas Pelita Harapan. Selain itu, dia juga menjadi pianis dalam "CELEBRATION OF THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST" yang diselenggerakan UPH pada tahun 2010. Sedikit gambaran mengenai permainan piano Laurensia.

Mereka akan hadir bersama dan berduet membawakan karya-karya dari komposer ternama yaitu Händel, Mozart, Beethoven, dan Debussy

Due Date and Place.
A Violin Recital by Tomislav Dimov
Accompaniment: Laurensia Yosianti, Piano
Saturday, 1st June 2013
IFI Bandung
19.30 WIB
IDR 50.000

Information and Reservation:  022-70021446 (no text please)

Be there and don't be late

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Unpar Choir Internal Concert 2013 "Eternal Harmony" : Alunan Melodi dari Masa ke Masa

Unpar is back with the new formation!

Setelah beberapa bulan yang lalu yaitu bulan November menggelar konser Natal, PSM Unpar kembali lagi dengan menggelar Konser Intern yang mengusung tema "Eternal Harmony".

(Bandung) Jumat, 26 April 2013. Bertempat di Gedung Serba Guna (GSG) Unpar seperti biasanya, Unpar hadir membawakan karya paduan suara dari zaman Musik Awal, Romantik, Kontemporer, Pop-Jazz Acapella, dan Lagu Rakyat Indonesia.
Eternal Harmony's Ticket (it's unique though)
Konser Intern sendiri merupakan sarana bagi PSM Unpar untuk mempersiapkan anggota baru mereka untuk berkarya di PSM Unpar. Selain itu, konser ini merupakan acara selebrasi pengesahan mereka atau pelantikan anggota baru yang dalam hal ini adalah angkatan 2012. Konser intern kali ini juga dikhususkan untuk mempersiapkan tim PSM Unpar yang nanti akan bertanding di Concorso Polifonico Internazionale “Guido d’Arezzo” 2013.

Programme Book
 Konser ini benar-benar swadaya dari PSM Unpar sendiri. Conductor pada malam itu juga merupakan anggota mahasiswa PSM Unpar. Conductor pada konser ini terdiri dari 4 orang. Setiap orang memimpin genre tertentu. Berikut ini adalah program dan conductor pada Konser "Eternal Harmony"

1st Session - Conductor: Daniel Alexander (Early Music and Romantic Era)
Sospirava - Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa
Draw on Sweet Night - John Wilbye
Beati Quorum Via - C. V. Stanford
Vineta - Wilhelm Muller

2nd Session - Conductor: Anselmus Angga (Contemporary Era)
Ave Maria - Franz Biebl
Salve Regina - Ivan Yohan
Ave Verum Corpus - A. Reza Reginaldo
Ave Maria - Ivan Yohan

3rd Session - Conductor: Ryan Michael (Pop-Jazz Acapella)
You are The New Day - Peter Knight
They Said It's Wonderful - Irving Berlin
Don't Know Why - Philip Lawson
More - John Leavitt
I Sing You Sing - Andres Edenroch

4th Session - Conductor: Jeremy Budi Santoso
Seblang Subuh - Budi Susanto Yohanes
Gore - Satriya Krisna
Toki Tifa - Christian Izaac Tamaela
Yamko Rambe Yamko - Avip Priatna & Ivan Yohan

Lagu pembukaan pada sesi pertama malam itu ada Sospirava yang merupakan lagu Renaissance Era yang akan dibawakan pada kompetisi di Arezzo. Sesi kedua dibuka dengan konsep male choir untuk lagu Ave Maria dan female choir untuk Salve Regina. Walaupun ada sedikit masalah pada seorang solis pada lagu Ave Maria, tetapi itu tidak menjadi persoalan karena mereka tetap bernyanyi dengan baik. Setelah sesi kedua selesai, penonton dipersilahkan beristirahat selama 10 menit. Sedikit waktu untuk menyegarkan telinga dari lagu dengan materi yang berat dan mempersiapkannya kembali untuk sesi berikutnya.

Sesi ketiga dan keempat dibuat dengan suasana yang lebih santai. Lagu "You are The New Day" memberikan harmoni baru pada malam itu. Apalagi pada sesi terakhir, conductor Jeremy membawakan 4 buah lagu folklore Indonesia. Benar-benar menambah semangat tepuk tangan dari pada penonton untuk meminta lebih.

Tepuk tangan yang begitu meriah membuat PSM Unpar menambah semangat untuk memberikan encore. Konser berlangsung dengan sukses dan meriah. Tidak lupa setelah konser selesai, dilanjutkan dengan bercengkrama dengan para penyanyi. Dan bagi sebagian orang, mungkin berdiskusi mengenai lagu atau konten yang dibawakan pada malam itu. All hail freakish!! Hohoho -_-"

“He who sings scares away his woes.”
-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra-